streamline financial news,
Master the Market

Keep all your financial updates in one place, effortlessly spot emerging trends, and engage with interactive data for tailored insights.

Our platform simplifies how you access and analyze the financial landscape, ensuring you never miss a beat. Stay informed, identify opportunities quickly, and dive deeper into the data that matters most to you.

Lotus Investment copilot

CHat with financial data

  • What´s happening in Tesla?

  • What were the key takeaways from Apple’s yearly report?

  • What´s the buzz around Klarna?

Harnessing Sentiment Analysis For Success

Enhance Decision-Making by Identifying Opportunities and Risks

Get real-time sentiment updates about trending companies to make better financial decisions. Our approach ensures responses are precise and tailored, avoiding generic information and enhancing reliability.

Get data-driven insights about stocks and companies, simplify portfolio management and risk assessment.

Beyond Surface-Level Trends

Unveil the Pulse of the Financial World - Empower Yourself and Your Customers

Smartly navigate the market with our Explore Trends application, your financial compass. Imagine Google Trends but for finance — it tracks top-mentioned companies in the media and offers trustworthy data for strategic decision-making.

Seamlessly identify exciting investment opportunities and sidestep unfavorable stocks.


Crawling model

Stay ahead with our advanced AI news crawler model. It meticulously scans and collects financial news, providing a current and comprehensive data stream for market analysis, enabling investors to keep pace with the ever-evolving financial landscape.

Tagging model

This technology skillfully categorizes and tags key themes in financial news, providing a structured and in-depth view of market dynamics. It allows investors to efficiently identify relevant topics and trends, facilitating quicker and more focused research.

Summary model

Our AI summarization tool is engineered to extract and condense critical insights from a multitude of news sources into precise, no-fluff summaries. This enables investors to rapidly assimilate essential information, stripping away unnecessary detail and focusing on core data

Sentiment Analysis

Unlock market insights with Lotus Field AI sentiment analysis algorithm. The model rapidly decodes news articles sentiments and aggregates emotional tones from various sources, helping you understand the mood around stock companies for timely and informed investment decisions.