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  • What´s happening in Tesla?

  • What was the key take-aways from Apples Yearly report?

  • What´s the buzz about around Klarna?

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Get All News at One Place and Search and Filter the News

Get the latest financial news and filter the news feed only showing companies, people or locations of your interest. This providies a personalized and insightful overview of the financial landscape, helping you to stay ahead of the financial news feed, allowing you to make strategic investment decisions.

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Spot What´s Hot and What´s Not - in The Financial News Landscape

Navigate the market smartly with our AI-driven trend app. Like a Google Trends but for finance, it tracks companies frequently mentioned in news, paired with their sentiment scores. Quickly spot hot investment opportunities and avoid less favorable stocks.


Crawling model

Stay at the forefront of market intelligence with our advanced AI news crawler model. Our system meticulously scans and collects a wide array of financial news articles, ensuring you have access to the most current and comprehensive information. This continuous stream of data provides a rich, up-to-date foundation for market analysis, enabling investors to keep pace with the ever-evolving financial landscape. Harness the power of real-time information and make informed decisions with our robust and efficient news crawling technology.

Tagging model

Elevate your market analysis with our sophisticated AI tagging model. Our technology skillfully categorizes and tags key themes and data points in financial news articles, offering a structured and in-depth understanding of market dynamics. This enables investors to efficiently identify relevant topics and trends, facilitating quicker and more focused research. Gain a comprehensive view of the stock market landscape and make more informed investment decisions with our precise and insightful tagging system.

Summary model

Enhance your investment strategy with our advanced AI summary model. Designed to distill complex information, our tool rapidly condenses key insights from multitude of news articles into clear, concise summaries. This empowers investors to quickly understand what the news is about, ensuring you have the essential information at your fingertips. Save valuable time and make smarter, data-driven investment decisions with our state-of-the-art summarization technology.

Sentiment Analysis

Unlock the pulse of the market with our cutting-edge sentiment analysis algorithm. The model rapidly decodes the sentiment of individual news articles and aggregates the emotional tone across multiple sources. This empowers you to quickly grasp the overarching mood surrounding stock companies, enabling informed and timely investment decisions.

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